
Showing posts from September, 2021

A Lesson From George

My young son has always loved Curious George. He has the books, he's seen every episode of the show...He loves the animated monkey and all the troubles George has to figure out and lessons he must learn. Well, even though I've seen the episode at least once before (probably more), my son was watching Curious George the other day and this episode really stuck out to me. The overview of the episode is where the citizens of Smallville (I think that's what it's called lol) are presented with a maze competition:  who can complete a giant corn maze first. The prize is a trophy and bragging rights. Several characters entered the competition - each determined to use their own method, resources, and intellect to conquer the maze and hopefully be the winner.  What really stuck out to me, was this particular scene. Please take a moment to watch this quick clip that is less than a minute. Now, please show me grace, I am not  tech savvy and the only way that I could edit and do a vi...

A Plea for the Backslidden

This is the time of the year where Christians get caught up in things that are unholy to the Lord and not of Him. I speak of many things. I tell you now, leave it! Repent and walk with Christ! Innocent fun is not innocent, the Lord will demand an accounting. From each of us. I urge my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to get into God's Word instead, to seek the Lord in prayer and through fasting instead. Just because it looks fun, looks innocent, and feels good - does not mean it is! Satan has come to deceive the church and to lead astray. The powers of darkness want only to steal your innocence, kill your faith and walk with Christ, and to destroy your spirit and soul in the process. Take the time this week (which happens to be the Feast of Atonement/Yom Kippur by the way...) to evaluate your life and heart. Ask the Lord to expose your heart, to search your innermost thoughts, and to bring everything to light. And when He does, repent! Repent, receive His merciful forgiveness...

Uncut Gemstones

This story is from several years ago, when my now seven year old son was only three years old. Every time I see it on my Facebook memories feed, it is a sweet reminder of Who the LORD is: He is Heaven's Jewelsmith, crafting uncut and raw gemstones, and turning them into priceless, precious, fashioned jewels. ************* We have a craft drawer that has various jars of crafting pieces like pom-poms, googly eyes, beads, buttons, etc....nothing out of the ordinary. I was sitting at my desk and my three year old son came into the office to play. He went to the craft drawer, took out the small jar of plastic gemstones and brought it over to me. He said "Look! These are all homeless people." He proceeded to lay on the floor, dumped them out, and created a "scenario" that was essentially God loving the homeless people and giving them food, water, and a home. It was a profound moment for me.  Living in a decent-sized city and large metro area, we have literally thousan...

Set Apart

But know that the  Lord  has  set   apart  for Himself him who is godly; The  Lord  will hear when I call to Him.  -Psalm 4:3 Are you set apart?  We have to be repentant daily, working out our salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) Not because we don't trust in God's promise of salvation or because we don't believe in the cleansing power of Jesus' Blood. But, because we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent to ANY sin - no matter how great or small. We can never reach perfection or complete holiness on our own - that is through Christ Jesus alone. Many teachers out there teach that you have to follow rules XYZ, and if you can't conform to their image of holiness (note I said "their" and not "God's"), you are condemned. Period.  But, that's not what Scripture says. God knows that we are but dust, and that as long as we are in these earthly bodies of flesh, we are prone to sin. Thus why He sent His One and Only Son t...